Expert Wet Plant Services Include:
GBS Wet Plant Maintenance Includes
- Complete Planning and SFOC Management
- Expert Technology to Locate fault/repair
- Route Inspections
- Spares Management; Inventory Quality Control
- Reduce Cost With Negotiated Rates
- Provide Technical & Operational SMEs
- Provide Specialized Labor
- Special Studies
- MOPs Development/Updating
- Maintenance Authority Duties
- Permitting/Crossing Agreements
- Disaster Recovery Planning
As part of our diligent customer focus and commitment, GBS assigns each cable maintenance customer a Project Manager who oversees procedures, financial planning, equipment acquisition, strategy and support, providing activity reports according to customer requirements.
GBS and our network of experts use the most up-to-date technology to provide comprehensive studies, in-depth surveys and detailed seabed analysis.
- Our pro-active Preventative Maintenance includes comprehensive Risk Assessments and Risk Mitigation reports as part of our cable protection services.
- GBS Warranty Management services track spares and inventory, maintaining quality and performing periodic audits to ensure the most cost-effective solutions for our clients.
GBS manages and negotiates crossing agreements, permits and route inspections on behalf of our customers.
Comprehensive Risk Assessments and Risk Mitigation position your cable system for operational success.
Additionally, the GBS TECH REFRESH program offers cutting edge technologies and advanced optical equipment, maintaining optimal performance of your cable system.
Make GBS Wet Plant Part of Your Cable Sustainment Plan
Repair Management
A cable repair requires careful planning and management. Locating the fault, securing a repair vessel and beginning operations requires specialized experience. During repairs, processes are documented, spares are managed, and suppliers are evaluated for cost and performance. GBS works to contribute to your success through customized solutions that reduce schedule and cost while assuring that your cable system’s performance meets or exceeds each of your requirements.
Disaster Recovery
If a cable disruption occurs, GBS engages a comprehensive range of efforts that work on behalf of our customer to negotiate, research, connect, assign and implement all of the services, experts and equipment necessary to identify the issue and employ the solution in full coordination with the customer.
When the repair is resolved, reports and debriefings are conducted and shared. Actions are taken to deter future issues.
With more than two decades of global experience, GBS provides compresehensive fiber optic cable monitoring and maintenance services. Inquire today about our Wet Plant and Dry Plant Administration, Operations and Maintenance, Risk Assessments, Network Operations Center (NOC) support, and emergency repair services.